Tangibl Community Guidelines

Welcome to Tangibl, a peer-to-peer audio learning platform for improving your English communication skills! Our platform is designed for users to engage in productive discussions, debates, and roleplays on various topics. To ensure that Tangibl is a safe and welcoming environment for everyone, we have established a set of community guidelines that outline our expectations for appropriate behaviour and use of the platform. By following these guidelines, you can help maintain a positive learning experience for all users.1. Respect each other: It is important to respect each other's views and opinions, even if you do not agree with them. Do not use derogatory language or make personal attacks.2. Keep it friendly: This is a platform for learning and practicing English communication skills. Keep the tone friendly and welcoming. Help others improve their English skills by offering constructive feedback.3. No hate speech: Tangibl does not tolerate any form of hate speech. This includes language that is racist, sexist, homophobic, or discriminatory in any way.4.No foul language or sexual talk: Tangibl is a platform for learning and practicing English communication skills. Please refrain from using foul language or discussing topics of a sexual nature. This includes sexually explicit language or innuendos.5. No spamming: Do not spam the platform with irrelevant content or advertisements. This is a community for learning and practicing English communication skills.6. No harassment: Harassment of any kind is not tolerated on Tangibl. This includes but is not limited to stalking, bullying, or sending unsolicited messages.7. No sharing of personal information: Do not share any personal information on the platform, including your phone number, address, or email address. This is for your own safety and security.8. Follow the terms of use: Follow the terms of use for Tangibl. This includes not using the platform for any illegal activity or violating any laws.9. Report any issues: If you see any behavior that violates these guidelines, or you feel uncomfortable in any way, please report it immediately to the Tangibl support team.10. No impersonation: Do not impersonate anyone on the platform. This includes pretending to be someone else or using a fake name.11. No copyrighted material: Do not use the platform to share copyrighted material unless you have the legal right to do so.12. No hacking or cheating: Do not attempt to hack or cheat on the platform. This includes trying to access another user's account or using any form of automation or bots.13. No inappropriate content: Do not share any content that is inappropriate or offensive. This includes content that is violent, graphic, or promotes illegal activities.ssss14. No solicitation: Do not use the platform to solicit other users for any reason. This includes selling products or services, asking for donations, or requesting personal information.At Tangibl, we believe that a positive and respectful community is essential for effective English communication practice. We take these guidelines very seriously and reserve the right to take appropriate action if any of these guidelines are broken, including account deletion or being banned from the platform. We encourage all users to follow these guidelines and report any violations to us immediately. Thank you for being part of the Tangibl community!